La classe II est fréquente en orthodontie et son traitement dépend non seulement du diagnostic mais aussi de l'évolution des appareillages. Nous traitons toutes les classes II avec Invisalign depuis 2008 et sans bagues quelle que soit la déformation ou la cause.

Class II is when the lower jaw is behind the upper jaw, giving the effect of " proclination of the upper incisors’’ and or retroclination of the lower incisors. This would appear normal at birth and tends to correct itself with the breastfeeding and the search for contact between the upper and lower incisors. The earlier we intervene, the more the lower jaw will catch up with the upper jaw; the longer we wait, the more we move back the upper jaw with some consequences on the aesthetics and on the nasal ventilatory capacity.
The bones and muscles are deformed and obey to this pathological position to allow chewing, breathing and speakingand much more repercussions on the whole body..

In the case of a Classe II :
  • Lower lip is drawn up behind the upper incisors
  • A narrow smile
  • Appearance of dark circles in connection with the lack of growth of the upper jaw.
  • A Difficulty of breathing through the nose and lack of the oxygenation of the upper face.